Skunk: But it wasn't the first place to have animatronic bears and rabbits, as that honor was for FredBear's Family Diner! Staring the two entertainers, Springbonnie and FredBear! Skunk: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is a child-friendly place. Skunk: Wait, wait, wait! We have to go through the basics first before we talk about other stuff! Skel: This character is one I can get behind now! A rotting skeleton in. Springtrap Always Comes Back To Death Battle! Skel: But you can just throw healing potions at it and that'll work too.Ī Zombie is shown getting hit by healing potions, and then dying. Skunk: But when they come in a hoard, you'd best look out, because you won't last too long if you are unprepared. Skel: It also is pretty dumb, and basic in the mind, not to mention their luck of having weapons on them being pretty low. Skunk: Yeah, don't know why they decided that to be a weakness for the Zombie. Skunk: They also have the strange weakness of burning in the sun. Things that heal cause harm to the Zombie.It is random if they have weapons and/or armour with them.Have basic instinct to attack anything that moves.Deal less damage against people wearing armour.Skel: Yeah, that kind of thing is bad for them. Skunk: It is even able to go against, and sometimes kill the players, even when they wear diamond armour, though, that results in a decrease in their damage. Skel: And it can take swords hitting it too, even enchanted ones! Skunk: Yeah, a big, gross, rotting monster breaking down my door would be pretty scary too. Can infect and turn villagers into zombies.Skel: Yeah, I agree, but the normal zombie still is just as scary with what it can do. Skunk: Yeah, but I just hate the idea of the baby zombie, eugh.

Skel: These things are also able to infect certain individuals, villagers are a good example. Skunk: They can take massive punishment, and dish out just as much, are able to locate people in the darkness of night, and are unable to harmed by poisons. Skel: Yeah, they are somehow able to use weapons, wear armour, and sometimes use a bow and arrow, while not often, they can sometimes. Skunk: Yeah, and while it may be hard to believe, it is a massive threat to even the most prepared warriors.

Skel: So to put this blandly, it is a player who is infected. Skunk: There obviously isn't much known about them, but we can assume they were all once inhabitants of the Minecraft world, due to their block build and shape, being the same as the players, and having identical clothing to Steve. Skel: But one thing you'll find is when you start, you're gonna be running for your life from the monsters, and one of the most common are the Zombie, green, shambling, and groaning, it may look plain, but with enough of them, they'll overwhelm you.
Animatronic zombie drop full#
Skunk: Minecraft is a world of expansion, full of infinite possibilities, you can make a statue, defeat a dragon, face monsters able to destroy mountains with ease.
Animatronic zombie drop series#
Skel: Yep! And this time we got a new series coming in, Minecraft, everyone's number 1 block filled game where anything is possible. Skunk: Yes, I can already tell, you are really excited for this battle Skel, with the undead and all. The Zombie Breaks Down The Door To Death Battle! Skunk: And it's our job to research their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win, a Death Battle! Skunk: And Springtrap, The Rotting Rabbit that Always Comes Back. Skel: The Minecraft Zombie, Night Walking Creatures. Skunk: Yep, we have two more undead combatants here today that are always after their target during the night. Two undead rotting green walking corpses cross paths with each other, but which one is more powerful, the limping human or the twitching rabbit? Find out in this Death Battle! 4 Springtrap Always Comes Back To Death Battle!.3 The Zombie Breaks Down The Door To Death Battle!.